
My name is Ted Dzogan. I am an entrepreneur and owner of www.summusinc.ca.

Summus is based out of douglas MB with 10 employees living in Brandon, Douglas, Minnedosa, Ninette and Alexander MB. We provide electronic security services to over 1400 sites across Manitoba, Ontario and Saskatchewan.

Our business philosophy is: Relationships are more valuable than transactions.

I am married to Sharla Bouchard. She works at the Western Manitoba Cancer Centre as the Clinical Resource Radiation Therapist and serves as the treasurer for the Women’s Resource Centre of Brandon.

John Howard Society

I value community service and sit on many boards including Manitoba ALIVE and the John Howard Society of Brandon.

Some of the projects that I have worked on that I am particularly proud of include Everyone Eats Brandon and the Food Rescue Grocery Store.

I am a PC Nominee Candidate – Spruce Woods and hope that you will take more time to learn about me as well as the others that are running.

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