A Great Partner

Sharla came to Brandon in July 2011 on a 3 month term contract to work at the brand new Western Manitoba Cancer Centre. Sharla had worked all over Canada and even some time in the Bahamas as a Radiation Therapist at various Cancer Centres as she waited for the job she wanted, in Barrie Ont., at the Cancer Centre closest to her home town of Espanola.
Brandon was supposed to be her last term job. Barrie was constructing a brand new cancer centre and she had a job waiting for her there when it opened.
In the last two months before she was scheduled to depart we met.
Not only did Sharla have a job lined up in Barrie, she even had a condo sitting by ready for her arrival. On the very last day of her term in Brandon she was offered a full time job, decided to stay and had tough call to make to her parents to explain how she met a boy and all her plans were changing.

Today Sharla is the Clinical Resource Radiation Therapist at the Western Manitoba Cancer Centre. She leads the team of Radiation Therapists who care for and provide critical health services to the people of rural Manitoba.
I have been told my largest contribution to Westman was getting her to stay here. I like that idea, just don’t tell Barrie it was my fault they never got her.
Sharla loves animals. She is the driver of our work to rescue, spay/neuter, vaccinate and home stray cats. Since May 2020 we have rescued 37 cats. We are grateful for the help of Wheat City Vet Clinic and over a dozen friends and neighbours who call us when they find an abandoned cat or help us find homes for them.
Life is better with friends.
Sharla’s dream is to be a professional student. She has 2 university degrees, 2 college diplomas, 2 professional certificates and one more certificate in the works.
Sharla has served the last 2+ years as the treasurer for the Women’s Resource Centre of Brandon were she puts her Finance and Accounting Diploma to use.
When I get a crazy idea to take on a new project, Sharla is sure to be there with me to the end, doing the most physical and dirtiest parts of the job.

Sharla is a wonderful partner.